5 Job Perks You Should Provide in a Post-Pandemic Climate

Finding and retaining good talent is a lot of work. And in this post-pandemic climate there are a lot of new things to consider. One of which is the job perks that you offer your employees. Gone are the days of unlimited kombucha, bring your dog to work days and casual Fridays. Today’s job force is looking for stability and these are the top 7 job perks that will help you find and retain the best talent.

1. Trust

This past year was a stressful one for leaders and employees, and the one thing that most workers seek right now is a transparent and trustworthy leadership team. How and how often you communicate makes a huge difference in employee comfort level, and will allow your team members to do their best work. This is especially important when working with a remote team. Focus on being transparent about the health of your business and if necessary any challenges or hurdles. 

2. Connection 

Working remotely can be a challenge for many employees, and they may struggle to feel connected to their co-workers and the team as a whole. Try to get creative by giving them unstructured options to socialize with one another. Virtual pizza parties and scavenger hunts have all been used by business owners to help their team feel more connected during these strange times. 

3. A Better Work From Home Experience

The sudden shift to remote work last year left many workers struggling to find a place to call their own. They may be writing reports from the kitchen table, handling client calls from the garage and taking Zoom meetings from their bedroom. Their technology may be outdated and they may struggle to do their best work. One of the best perks you can give your team right, is an upgraded comfortable work space. Subsidize equipment. Upgrade  computers. Help purchase ergonomic furniture. All of these things can help make an employee’s day more pleasant and make them feel appreciated. 

4. Healthcare

This is a big perk right now. The pandemic brought healthcare to the forefront and many employees found themselves with subpar or no coverage. Having a comprehensive employer-provided health care plan is at the top of the list for many job seekers right now. 

5. Wellness

Wellness goes a lot further than just employee provided healthcare. It encompasses mental and emotional health and for many even financial health. Consider offering therapy benefits and meditation or yoga memberships as a good start. Another perk would be to help your employees with financial wellness. Have a financial planner do a series of webinars for your team members offering guidance on how to manage their money, save for retirement or create a budget. Have a tax expert help your team choose the right deductions now that they are working from home. 

These 5 job perks will go a long way to helping your team feel appreciated and taken care of. While they aren’t as flashy as unlimited Kombucha, the well being of your team and the culture that you create surrounding that value are worth so much more in the long run. 

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